
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Concerts, A Christmas Dress for Ellen

Tonight was a fun night because we were able to go to Kade's Christmas Choir concert. He did such a great job singing his songs! He was even able to be one of a few other children to dance and play a tambourine. Even Ryder was entertained by the concert! It was a lot of fun to watch.

When we made it home, Kade opened the book, A Christmas Dress for Ellen. Brad's Mom gave the book to Kade 6 years ago and it still makes me cry every time I hear it. It's a true story of a family living in Canada far from civilization who has nothing. No food, ratty clothes, blankets with holes, hardly any coal left for warmth and feeling pretty down on Christmas Eve. But they are recipients of a miracle. Some of their family from Idaho learned of their situation and sent them 10 crates filled with food, clothes, toys, blankets, coal, and money. The crates made it to the post office late on Christmas Eve but the postman, knowing of the family's situation, traveled the long distance in a bad snowstorm to deliver the packages. It ended up taking him 8 hours to get there. He arrived at 5 AM Christmas Day and I'm sure that family was never the same.
I feel really spoiled when I think of our warm house, clothes, and blankets on top of everything else. We are so blessed and I am so grateful.

Brad taught the kids a little bit about Pearl Harbor tonight. I'm grateful for our freedom as well!

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