
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

18 Month Olds

Tenley is now 18 months old! I LOVE this age! They learn and grow so much from now on. Each day it seems like they learn a new word, or are able to accomplish a new feat. It is amazing.
Today, Tenley had her 18 month check-up. She weighs 23 lbs 4 oz and is 33 1/2 inches tall. She is so tall for her age! She is talking a lot! She can say mama, dada, please, up, IPad, treat, juice, hi, bye, off, rock, binky, uh-oh (does that count as a word?), and ouch. And she is constantly trying to say new things. She now walks up the stairs instead of crawls up the stairs and eats well with a spoon and a fork. She loves to dance and cuddle with her blankets. She is a sweetheart and pretty much always goes with the flow. We love her and this stage in her life!
I tried to take some pictures of her today. She loves to pose for the camera, but didn't really want to smile for me today. She was giving me her "model look" I guess. In this first picture she did this pose all on her own! I don't know where she got her sass from!

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