I love looking forward to things! I especially love when a whole day of fun is coming up and that is what today was!
This morning I took my cute kids to a gymnastics open gym for a few hours. They both had so much fun! I didn't even have to break up any fights or calm any melt downs. It was amazing!
We came home, had a yummy lunch together, then my kids took naps and I had some quiet time to myself. That is always a bonus!
After naps we went and visited a friend and by the time we got home Dad was home!
Kade was so excited to see his Dad because they got to go to a boy party tonight! It was a father and son cookout at the church. It was so cute to see the excitement in his eyes. He even got to stay out late! It was so fun to hear him tell me all about his night out with Dad. I could tell how much he loved it and how special he felt. It made me so happy.
Tenley and I got to have our own mommy daughter date! I've always wanted a daughter so we could do fun girl stuff together and this was the first time we got to have our own mommy daughter date. We went to Target, picked up dinner at Panera Bread, and came home and watched girly shows while we ate our dinner in the living room. After a bath we read books together and cuddled until she went to bed. She was so much fun to be with! I love her upbeat, easy-going personality.
It truly was a special day.