
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wagon Rides, The Nauvoo Temple, Trail of Hope, Women's Garden, Miracles

This morning we got to go on two really great wagon rides! The first took us all around the city of Nauvoo and then second one took us more into the woods and we were able to hear a lot of spiritually uplifting stories. We stopped at one point and all sang "I am a Child of God" together. Even Kade sang as loud as he could. It was a special moment!

The Nauvoo Temple is stunning! The last time I was in Nauvoo the temple hadn't been re-built yet so I was excited to see it. It is gorgeous! It is amazing the work that the early saints put into building such a beautiful and breathtaking structure.

The Temple overlooks the beautiful valley of Nauvoo.

Kade and Elly. They are so cute together!

The statue of Joseph and Hyrum depicting when they left Nauvoo for the last time on their way to Carthage Jail.

Kade was so excited to go throw rocks in the big Mississippi River and he was able to do that when we went to look at the Trail of Hope. It must have taken a lot of faith for those pioneers to leave their comfortable life in Nauvoo behind and cross the mile wide Mississippi River with no plans of returning and not knowing what lie ahead of them.

The Women's garden by the Visitors Center is so beautiful. It made me so grateful to be a woman. Kade liked to have me read what each statue was about. He thought is was really neat.

Tenley loved being able to see Jesus at the visitors center too.

We were so blessed this weekend. Yesterday Kade's breathing was getting worse and his cough was getting worse and I knew it was going to turn into a bad asthma attack. I had remembered his machine but forgotten his medicine, but luckily my doctor was able to call it in to a pharmacy there quickly and we had the medicine in less than an hour. I was still worried that Kade would have his normal bad 24 hours of labored breathing, but I prayed and prayed so hard that he wouldn't so we could enjoy our vacation and time with family and not have to rush home or keep everyone up at night. Luckily the bad asthma attack never came! He slept great both nights we were there and still seems to be doing well. I'm so, so, so grateful.

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