
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Book Stores and Soccer Games

Kade earned a $10 gift card to Barnes and Noble over the school year. He's been begging me to take him there for a long time now. We finally went today and the kids had a blast. It's an adorable store and Tenley and Ryder took a ton of pictures of each other, their favorite books, and their favorite stuffed animals. Kade had a hard time deciding on one book, but he finally chose the first book in the Fablehaven series. I hope he loves it!

Kade played in his first soccer game today. He played well! It was nice to have a game outside where my other little kids could run around. It's not easy having to sit on benches and hold the babies on my lap trying to watch the game. This was much more enjoyable even with all the mosquitoes!

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