
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sledding, Cousins

We all had a total blast today! It's weird to not see my kids for half the day, but they've just been taking off with their cousins and having fun! We went sledding this morning just outside the cabin and Brad and I went snowshoeing for a bit to the lake. Kade probably spent 6 hours outside sledding. He had said he wanted to sled until bedtime but a gnarly crash and hunger finally brought him inside. Tenley had been with Elly and Maila pretty much non stop. They play with their dolls most the time and it's so adorable. Ryder was back to his normal happy self today since he got two good naps in a real bed. It's been really nice to be in a big house that accommodates the whole family and it's a great way to celebrate the new year. 
2015 was a really fun and exciting year! We had Ryder, Brad graduated from Dental school, we moved out west, went to Disneyland and Kade started Kindergarten! This next year probably won't bring with it as much change but we're looking forward to it!

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