
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Quiet Moments

It's been a long day. We got the kids out of bed at 7 and started our 10 hour drive to Bear Lake. The kids did pretty well on the drive but Ryder still needed a lot of attention. We finally made it to the cabin with the fam at 7:30! And now at 5 minutes to 11 I finally have all three kids in bed and sleeping for the moment. Ryder has been crying off and on for the past hour. Hopefully he sleeps the rest of the night. I always stress about a crying baby in the middle of the night with a house full of people. There's no where to go that you won't bother someone!
The drive did have some fun moments though. It was a beautiful winter wonderland in New Meadows! And the stars driving through the canyon just outside of Bear Lake were so bright and gorgeous! Plus we saw a moose in the middle of the road, which scared us at the time, but it was actually really neat to see. Hoping for some quiet the rest of the night!

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