I almost forgot that it was St. Patrick’s Day today but Tenley reminded me when she woke up and I still had time to make their pancakes green. That was about the extent of our celebrating but it was still fun.
Our school lesson went well today. We learned about sharks and overcoming fear. Sometimes we’re afraid of things we don’t know much about which explains perfectly why so many have fear of the COVID-19 virus. The lesson tied in well for a discussion on the virus and the importance of keeping our perspective and understanding what life is all about. I did my best to share my testimony of the plan of happiness and I hope it sunk in a little bit with them. Being able to teach the kids in my home and tie in gospel principles, and even share my testimony with them is pretty amazing. I’m loving it a lot.
After our lesson Ryder led us in a gymnastics class. He normally goes to a gymnastics class on Tuesdays and he was really sad to hear it was closed so we decided to try and replicate it at home. He did a great job leading us in a warm up and stretches. Then each of the kids took turns creating an obstacle course. At the end we created our own warped wall up the stairs with a bean bag. I tried it myself and it was hard to run up!
With evening sports games and practices canceled, we had time to just relax as a family. It was really nice. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll miss this temporary situation when life gets back to ‘normal’.
Life is so different, but life is still so good. ❤️
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