
Friday, March 20, 2020


Day 6

There still hasn’t been a confirmed case of the corona virus in our town, but extra precautions are already being taken. The governor required all entertainment businesses and dine-in restaurants to close. Gyms, movie theaters, bowling alleys, the jump place, and even our ski hill are all closed. Most restaurants are remaining open and offering delivery or curbside pickup only. Tenley went with me to pick up Cafe Rio for dinner and they had us stay in our car outside and brought out our order for us.
Brad’s office is still open for the time being. In other states dental offices have been required to close. It’s been a hard decision to know what is best so we’re just taking it all one day at a time. We were supposed to fly to Arizona in Tuesday and we’ve had to cancel that trip, but Brad will still only work two days next week. 
In spite of everything our kids are still as happy as ever. Luke has learned to say ‘Happy!’ and he throws his arms up while he says it. His sweet little face can brighten anyone’s day! We had school, did chores, and played VR games today. Brad took the three oldest kids and Keena to Home Depot to get some supplies to make shelves for our pantry. He will stay busy while we are home bound!

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