
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dancing Partners

Day 17

Ever since all of this craziness with COVID-19 began, Luke has been extra cranky. I wasn’t quite sure what was wrong, but I think he has been teething. Luckily today he was his happier self and it was so nice! He sat by me while I made dinner and danced with me to all the good songs that came on. He played peek-a-boo games and laughed more. I love having my happy little man back!

Monday, March 30, 2020


Day 16

Brad was home from work today. He’ll only be working two days this week to see urgent needs. Sunday nights are so much more relaxing when you don’t have to worry about work the next day! He did spend all day working on building shelves in the basement though. And he’s made a lot of progress! 

Our studies all seemed to line up today which was amazing. This morning I read this talk from Elder Hales about the restoration and how the translation of the Bible came to be and how people lost their lives fighting for the translation and distribution of the Bible. Then for school we learned about Copernicus and Galileo and how they had to stand up for their astrology beliefs. We also learned that to see clearly through a telescope it needs to be up high and away from city lights. In order for us to see clearly spiritually we need to get up ‘high’ away from noise and distraction. Then Kade read a scripture about Nephi tonight and how he went up high in the mountain to talk to God. It was just all so neat how everything fit together. It was just a reminder I needed today that God loves us and is aware of us.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cozy Sundays

Day 15

We really enjoyed church at home today. Taking the sacrament has never been as special and sacred to me as it has these past two weeks. And I’m sure when I get to have the sacrament in a church building again it will be that much more special. Brad taught us a great lesson on fasting and Brad and I and Kade and Tenley were able to join in on the world wide fast for relief from the corona virus. I was impressed with Kade and Tenley fasting for that long. It was hard for them, but after Brad’s lesson I think they really understood the reason for skipping meals. We did end up having an early dinner just for them and it was extra delicious. Brad grilled steak and pork and I made rolls, mashed potatoes, and baked asparagus. I think Luke ate more asparagus than anyone else. He really loves it! 
The kids kept their minds of their rumbling bellies by building a tent inside. These days as a family all hunkered down inside have been precious.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Long Walks

Day 14

It actually felt like a normal Saturday today in many ways. We slept in, Brad made us crepes for breakfast, and we got a lot of chores done. It was nice to really focus on cleaning the house. It needed it! I know a lot of people may be bored lately because they’re in their house more than normal, but I feel like my life is much busier. Homeschooling three children is busy! Especially when you add a one year old to the mix. It is fun but it can be exhausting. 

I was able to participate in a piano day concert on Instagram today. I’ve been having fun sharing my music and arrangements online and in the process I’ve been able to meet some really nice people from all around the world! It’s been amazing.

After the virtual concert I took Keena for a walk with Luke. It was a beautiful, sunny day and there were so many people out walking around. We walked for a mile, but when we came home Luke wanted to keep walking! I wasn’t going to argue, so we walked for another mile and a half. 

We ordered pizza from MacKenzie River Pizza Co. tonight. It always seems crazy to drive out into town and see so many empty parking lots. On a normal Saturday night the restaurant parking lots would be packed! But not tonight. We enjoyed our family pizza night though!

Friday, March 27, 2020


Day 13

A few days ago we took the kids to a park with a rock climbing wall. Kade tried to climb up the hardest part of the wall without help the whole time we were there, but he never made it to the top. He’s been begging us to go back ever since so he could try again. So we took them back to the park today and he made it up! He was so happy! It was fun to watch him conquer something that was hard for him. 

While I was making dinner tonight, one of my favorite composers performed live on Instagram. It was beautiful and so uplifting. It’s been so encouraging to see people all over the world try to do something positive to help overcome the negativity surrounding the corona virus. We live in a beautiful world. ❤️

Just like Kade overcame his hard challenge, I have hope we will all overcome the challenges we’ve been given due to the virus. The challenges will just make us stronger and bring us closer together.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Teacher Parades

Day 12

Last night we heard that our family and friends in Idaho are under a state-wide stay at home order for three weeks. Only essential workers are allowed out, or you can leave for essential purposes. This afternoon, we got the same news for our state of Montana. Brad will still be able to work on emergency cases but the hygiene department had to close. 

Brad and I left today to get more shelving material to build more shelves in our spare room downstairs for storage. I’m grateful that we have a project to keep us busy! 

This afternoon the kids’ school had a teacher parade. Many staff and teachers drove by honking their horns and waving to the students. It was so fun to see them all! The kids enjoyed it. It was a really nice gesture.

Brad made yummy treats for us all tonight (muddy buddies) and Luke was his little helper. We’re still healthy and happy and thoroughly enjoying all of this extra family time. I’m so glad that social distancing doesn’t count if you’re family!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A New Pantry

Day 11

Brad finished building and painting shelves for my pantry today so I was able to organize it. And I love it! I have so much space and I’m able to fit so much food storage upstairs which is so nice. I’m hoping he’ll be willing to build more shelves for me downstairs while he has all this time on his hands.

We took the kids to the park today and it was so nice to run around in the sunshine. It wasn’t that warm but no one complained. We were just excited to be out. Some states are asking that everyone stay at home and only leave for emergencies. We haven’t been told that yet but we realize it could be coming. For now, we’re still happy and enjoying our extra time together.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

At-Home School

Day 10

Today was a really happy day. We started out with a kids yoga video a friend had told me about. It was adorable and the kids loved it. Then after getting ready we sat down for school. We have a scripture to start and then have time to write in our journals. Then we take turns choosing a lesson from the online program that I’m using. I like that they take the lead in this and I’ve never been disappointed in a lesson. Then Kade will do math and language homework while I help Tenley practice the piano and then they’ll switch. Then we have reading time. Tenley and Ryder will play some fun education games together as well. Then it’s time for lunch and the rest of the day is free time. Most days haven’t been perfect or completely happy, but when the days are good they are SO good. I really like teaching my kids. We learned today that schools will be shut down until April 10th at the earliest. I am not complaining! Not today at least.

Brad had to make the decision today to close his hygiene department at his office. He’ll just be working on emergency cases for the time being. I hope this doesn’t last long and we can get all of our employees working again really soon. It breaks my heart to put our amazing employees in tough positions, but we have no choice. He has the rest of this week off anyway because we had planned to be in Arizona, and we’ll see what happens next week. One day at a time...

Monday, March 23, 2020

Elder Hobson, Hermana Murdock, and Elder Simmons

Day 9

Our nephew who was serving a mission in Cambodia is on his way home today. He’ll have to stay in his home for fourteen days to be quarantined when he gets back. Our niece who has been serving in Ecuador will also be heading home soon to be quarantined as well. A lot of the missionaries out serving are now being sent back to their home countries to be quarantined. I have some pretty amazing nieces and nephews and the three that are out serving missions right now have been through a lot. They’ve had to be inside most the time for the past several weeks due to the virus. But they all seem to be mentally strong and trying to have the best attitude they can while they’re going through this difficult time. They’re amazing!
I was on hold with the airlines for over four hours today canceling our flight to Arizona that we had booked for tomorrow. I think we’re over the disappointment now and have just accepted it. Hopefully we’re able to use the waivers to fly somewhere else later this year. But we’ll have to wait and see. 
While I was on hold we had breakfast, got ready for the day, and had school. Kade wanted to learn about history so we learned about King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel in the lions den. I felt like we all learned something. Then the kids kids worked on math and reading. We’re getting into a good routine now which helps. 
The weather was over fifty degrees today. Taking Keena for a walk was the most peaceful part of the day. I hope the weather continues to warm up.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Day 8

At-home church went well again. We’re getting the hang of it a little bit more. Tenley played the opening song on the piano and each child took turns leading the music. This seems like a great opportunity for them to start learning how to do these things. Brad blessed and passed the sacrament for us which was an amazing and special experience and Ryder taught us how to listen to the spirit. We also got to watch our niece’s husband bless their new baby Annie through a zoom meeting. That was really special and neat as well! Technology is saving us right now! We need social interaction and luckily we’ve still been able to have that with technology.
We loved catching up with my parents and the Simmons today. It’s good to hear my family is doing ok after the earthquake. They are as happy as ever.
Brad is headed to work tomorrow. It seems inevitable that he will have to close his doors at some point. We just don’t know when or for how long. In Washington, dentists were required to shut down for two months. Harder times may yet be ahead, but we are grateful to be happy, healthy, and together.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fresh Air

Day 7

I have to admit, I’m going a little bit stir crazy. I’ve always considered myself a home body. I love being home. But I am missing people! I miss friends. I miss outings. I miss social gatherings. I miss church. I look forward to that life again.
Brad kept busy today working on building shelves in our pantry. I asked him to do this years ago and now that he has so much extra time he started on it. I’m excited to have more storage room! Since he was busy the rest of us went to the park. It was sunny and 50 degrees and we had a blast at the park. It felt so good to be OUT. 
We did find out that there are now three cases of the corona virus in our county. All three people recently traveled internationally. I guess we’ll start seeing how much it spreads.

Friday, March 20, 2020


Day 6

There still hasn’t been a confirmed case of the corona virus in our town, but extra precautions are already being taken. The governor required all entertainment businesses and dine-in restaurants to close. Gyms, movie theaters, bowling alleys, the jump place, and even our ski hill are all closed. Most restaurants are remaining open and offering delivery or curbside pickup only. Tenley went with me to pick up Cafe Rio for dinner and they had us stay in our car outside and brought out our order for us.
Brad’s office is still open for the time being. In other states dental offices have been required to close. It’s been a hard decision to know what is best so we’re just taking it all one day at a time. We were supposed to fly to Arizona in Tuesday and we’ve had to cancel that trip, but Brad will still only work two days next week. 
In spite of everything our kids are still as happy as ever. Luke has learned to say ‘Happy!’ and he throws his arms up while he says it. His sweet little face can brighten anyone’s day! We had school, did chores, and played VR games today. Brad took the three oldest kids and Keena to Home Depot to get some supplies to make shelves for our pantry. He will stay busy while we are home bound!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reading Time

Day 5

Home schooling didn’t go as well today as it did the first few days. Luke was a handful. He was very whiny and needy. Tenley needed my help with the piano at the same moment Kade was asking for help with math. It was a lot all at once. But then I put Luke to bed and we had 20 minutes of quiet reading time. It was the best part of the day. 
We definitely have a lot to figure out when it comes to this home schooling thing, but I’m grateful we get the chance to try it out and I’m so grateful for all the resources being offered to us right now. The companies that are offering their products for free right now have my heart!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Day 4
Soon after we woke up this morning we learned that there had been a large earthquake in Utah. Luckily all of my family was safe but they definitely all felt it. There were dozens of aftershocks as well. The news of the earthquake on top of already dealing with the virus was overwhelming, but I’m sure it was nothing to what those that actually felt the earthquake were feeling. We are living in crazy times!

The kids did all their online schooling today, but we did not get to our group lesson. I missed having it, but I had one goal for the day and that was to find our house cell phone. It has been missing since last Friday and I tore apart the house today to find it. With no luck. Brad came home for lunch and suggested we watch the downstairs security camera to see if Luke had it at one point and maybe discover what he may have done with it. We ended up finding that Luke and Kade were playing with it and Kade set it in the headrest of our couch. I don’t think I would have ever found it there! We were all so relieved to have it found! 

Brad’s virtual reality headset arrived today. We got it set up tonight and everyone had a turn looking at google earth. I think we’ll have fun with this while we’re stuck inside for a few weeks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Ryder’s Gymnastics

Day 3

I almost forgot that it was St. Patrick’s Day today but Tenley reminded me when she woke up and I still had time to make their pancakes green. That was about the extent of our celebrating but it was still fun.

Our school lesson went well today. We learned about sharks and overcoming fear. Sometimes we’re afraid of things we don’t know much about which explains perfectly why so many have fear of the COVID-19 virus. The lesson tied in well for a discussion on the virus and the importance of keeping our perspective and understanding what life is all about. I did my best to share my testimony of the plan of happiness and I hope it sunk in a little bit with them. Being able to teach the kids in my home and tie in gospel principles, and even share my testimony with them is pretty amazing. I’m loving it a lot.

After our lesson Ryder led us in a gymnastics class. He normally goes to a gymnastics class on Tuesdays and he was really sad to hear it was closed so we decided to try and replicate it at home. He did a great job leading us in a warm up and stretches. Then each of the kids took turns creating an obstacle course. At the end we created our own warped wall up the stairs with a bean bag. I tried it myself and it was hard to run up!

With evening sports games and practices canceled, we had time to just relax as a family. It was really nice. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll miss this temporary situation when life gets back to ‘normal’.

Life is so different, but life is still so good. ❤️

Monday, March 16, 2020


Day 2 after COVID-19

I went to get my hair done at the salon last week when rumors were spreading that schools might close and business might close. One of the ladies said it was going to get worse before it got better. I was in disbelief at the time. But since then schools have closed and businesses have closed and Brad may have to close down his office for a time. It truly is getting worse. People are losing jobs and closing their businesses for good. It’s truly sad to see the effects of this virus. It is effecting everyone in the world in hard financial ways. I still feel comforted in knowing that things will be OK, but that is the reality.
It’s so nice to have a house full of young innocent children that are so happy and have no idea what is going on in the world or the severity of it. I love their smiles and giggles. We had a blast having homeschool today. We tried to turn a lot of moments into teaching moments today. Kade learned how to make pancakes. We had piano lessons via FaceTime today because, Coronavirus, but it went well and I liked being a more present participant.
We also celebrated Brad’s birthday today! In all honesty it’s probably the worst birthdays he’s had because of the stress from the virus, but we did our best to make him feel special. We love him and how seriously he takes his job as our protector and provider.
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