
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Concerts

We made it to Utah this afternoon in time to have lunch with my parents, brothers, sister in law, and nieces. It was good to see them all! And the kids were ecstatic to see and be at my parents houses. We Facetime them every Sunday and every time Ryder whines about wanting to go to their house. He was so excited to actually be there and no just see it on the IPad!

We met up with some Hobson family downtown at the yummiest Thai restaurant before the concert. It was so delicious! Then we headed to the concert which was amazing as it always is. The organ solo was jaw dropping, and everything else was beautiful. One of the stories that were told had me completely bawling because it was so sad and yet so inspiring. It was probably the pregnancy hormones bringing out all the tears though because no one else around me seemed to be crying as much.

Afterward we walked around Temple square for a bit. It was my niece Haley's 18th birthday and she was excited to join us for the date and be at Temple square. The lights were beautiful and it was fun to see family that we don't see that often. It was a great date night!

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