
Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Break

We were supposed to drive to Utah today to start our Christmas break, but a big storm rolled in last night and we had to stay. The kids were happy that they were able to go to school and enjoy their Christmas parties, though. Tenley had a pajama hot chocolate party and watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Kade had an ugly sweater party and watched The Mouse and the Motorocycle since they just finished reading that book together. They both had Santa come and visit their classrooms as well.
Brad and I were able to get some things done at home with our little Ryder playing toys and following us around. He's so sweet. Then after the kids got home from school we looked at all the presents under the tree and couldn't see how they would all fit in the car for our road trip tomorrow so we decided to open them all tonight! It was fun and the kids loved their gifts. I've been set on doing 4 presents, one to read, one they need, one to wear, and one they want. I really like doing it this way because it keeps me from going too crazy! Although Tenley got multiple clothing items because she needs them and Kade got multiple read items because he loves that and it's good for him. SO maybe I need to be better about not spoiling the kids...
It was so fun to see their happy faces. After every present Kade received he'd give us a hug and say thank you. We have great kids. We love them so much! I'm so thankful, grateful, excited for, and happy to have a week off with them and no real demands on our time. I love Christmas break and I love that Brad has the whole week off!

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