
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Last night we went to the fair as a family and had a great time. We met up with our friends Ryan and Danielle and watched a fun diving show, looked at the horses and cows, and ate yummy fair food. It was a fun night! The kids enjoyed it as well.

Yummy fried cookie dough!

Relaxing on the way home :)

But I could tell Kade was getting sick. It has happened so much since we moved out here to Indiana that I thought I knew what to expect. But it was different this time.
It starts with a runny nose, then a bad cough and his complaints of being sick and then he starts having trouble breathing so we do his albuterol treatments with a nebulizer every 4 hours for about 24 hours and then he turns around and everything is fine.
All night last night we did the treatment and this morning but there was no improvement in his condition. In fact he was even getting worse. I've only seen his breaths per minute get up to around 60 (and if it is over 50 he should see a Dr.), but this afternoon I counted 73 breaths in one minute!
He was struggling and kept begging for his medicine when there were still 2 hours before I could give it to him. So we went to the doctor office. They assessed him and decided it was best to send him to Riley Children's hospital because they have an ICU. However, they didn't feel comfortable with me driving him there in case his condition worsened so they called an ambulance.
The fire truck showed up first and the firemen came in to asses him and be with him until the ambulance arrived. He loved that! He thought it was pretty cool to meet the firemen. And one of the firemen even carried him out to the ambulance.
They turned the sirens on and everything in the ambulance, not because his condition was so bad, but because traffic was so bad, they said. He loved the ambulance ride so much that when the EMT had him point to the happy/sad faces to see where his level of pain was he pointed to the happiest face!
We went to the ER first and the staff was awesome there! They kept bringing him fun new toys and when Brad and Tenley came to visit they brought in some toys for Tenley too.
After a chest x-ray they determined that he does have asthma and this was a bad asthma attack. It seems as though this is something we will have to deal with for good and that the attacks will continue to occasionally get bad enough to where we'll have to take him to the hospital. It isn't fun to hear that. We hate having to take him to the hospital and split up as a family and find babysitters for
Even with all the breathing treatments they had been giving Kade, he was still breathing ridiculously fast. I was surprised he wasn't showing much improvement. They admitted him to the ICU so they could keep him on a continuous breathing treatment. When he can go 3 hours between treatments then they will send him to a regular floor and if he does well there then they will send him home. I hope it isn't long. I know Kade is a fighter and he will start improving quickly. Each time a new Dr. comes in to asses him they are surprised at how much better he is doing than what they were expecting.
Through all of this I have been so grateful for the outpouring of love that we have received. Our friends have willingly taken care of everything that we are now unable to do. They have been so generous and helpful and giving and it means so much to me.
Our family has been so thoughtful and caring through their texts and phone calls.
I can feel the love that our Heavenly Father has for us through our friends and family, the priesthood blessing he received last night and for the ways in which my prayers have been answered.
Although this is an experience I would rather not go through, I am grateful we are getting more of an idea of what is causing this to happen to Kade and how we can help him and prevent it from getting bad. And I'm so grateful for all the love that has been shown to us.
In the ambulance

At home before going in to the Dr. Tenley was trying to give him hugs and kisses.

In the E.R.

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