
Sunday, March 3, 2013


A few Sundays ago Kade was watching me get ready for church and he told me that he didn't want to go to church. I tried to explain to him that since Jesus loves us and we love him we need to show him that we love him by going to church. His answer to that was, "Jesus doesn't love me!"
That made me so sad to hear him say that. So I stopped what I was doing and got down on the floor with him and I was able to share with him my testimony, that I know Jesus lives and that I know he loves us.
It was a simple moment, but it was powerful to me. Kade thought about it for a moment, but never said anything and went back to talking about other things. But he never again said that he didn't want to go to church or that Jesus didn't love him. I hope he now understands that Jesus does love us.

I'm grateful for testimonies. I'm grateful that my parents shared their testimonies with me. And I'm grateful for all those that are so willing to share their own testimonies. I really enjoy Fast and Testimony meeting because I always feel strengthened by the testimonies of others.

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