It can be so easy to look at our faults and weaknesses or the faults and weaknesses of others, but when we really understand that each person here on Earth is a daughter or son of God then we realize that there is good in every one of us and a great potential we can each reach. President Lorenzo Snow taught:
"I believe that we are the sons and daughters of God, and that He has bestowed upon us the capacity for infinte wisdom and knowledge, because He has given us a portion of Himself.
We have divinity within ourselves; we have immortality within ourselves; our spiritual organism is immortal; it cannot be destroyed; it cannot be annihilated. We will live from all eternity to all eternity."
It is so amazing and empowering to think of ourselves and others this way. We have divinity within ourselves! We have the capacity for infinite wisdom and knowledge! I just so wish I could overcome my 'natural man' tendencies and become the person I really am and hopefully will be again someday. President Snow also said:
"We are apt to forget these things in the midst of the cares and vexations of life, and we do not fully understand that it is our privilege, and that the Lord has placed it in our reach to pursue that gospel whereby we may have peace within us continually.
Let us never allow our prospects to become dimmed;let them be fresh before us by day and by night, and I will assure you that if we will do this our growth from day to day and from year to year will be marvelous."
This thought reminds me of a beautiful song written by Janice Kapp Perry, My Nature is Divine. My sister and I used to sing it together while she played the piano. We used to sing a lot of songs together while she accompanied us on the piano. But the words are so perfect:
"Why is it when I hear a baby cry,
My arms reach out, in love I can't deny?
Why is it when I see my neighbors need,
My heart is touched to do a kindly deed?
Why is it when I see someone alone,
My instinct is to share the love I've known?
Why is it when I sing a hymn of praise
My spirit yearns to follow in His ways?
Could it be oh could it be a sign,
That deep within this simple soul of mine,
I sense by some miraculous design
My nature is divine?
Why is it when I touch a fevered brow,
I know that I must give relief somehow?
Why is it when I see someone with less,
I'm urged within to share my goods and bless?
Why is it when I see a soul in sin,
I long to share the light I have within?
Why is it that a joy beyond compare,
Distills upon me when I kneel in prayer?
Could it be oh could it be a sign,
That deep within this simple soul of mine,
I sense by some miraculous design
My nature is divine?
We all have our moments of giving in to temptation and not being as good as we want to be, but we all have the potential and the ability to be better, especially with the help of the Lord. I'm so grateful for my divine nature, and I'm especially grateful for the atonement so that when I fail to be my best self I can keep trying and trying again to reach my divinity.
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