
Friday, August 23, 2019

Fishing with Dad

Brad took the kids and Keena to the lake today to let Keena swim and help the kids fish. They were gone for four hours and they had so much fun! Everybody caught at least one fish and Tenley caught three! No turtles this time...
I stayed home while Luke napped. It was nice and refreshing to have some quiet time and when Luke did wake up it felt very reminiscent of when Kade was my only child at home. We played in his room, read books, had lunch together, and went for a little walk around the neighborhood. It was the quietest most peaceful walk without all my kids and the dog. Luke didn’t make a peep! And then he went down for a nap. The days of only having one child are pretty magical but I’m definitely grateful for each and every single one of my kids. And for a husband who loves to do fun things with them.

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