I am so lucky to have the sweetest 4 year old boy and 2 year old little girl in my house. They bring me so much joy and fill our house with so much happiness.
I love Kade's big hugs and when he kisses me right on the lips.
I love how every night he says "Goodnight bubba, easy cheesy japaneesee, good night good night!"
I love his sweet, honest questions.
I love his curiosity.
I love his desire to be like Jesus and choose the right.
I love Tenley's sweet chubby hands and the way they hold on tight to my finger when we cross the street.
I love her happy, bubbly walk.
I love the crazy way she runs.
I love her sweet smile and fun laugh.
I love her big hugs and cuddles.
I love going back into their room every night before I go to sleep and tucking them in one more time and kissing their sweet sleeping faces.
I love this stage in life that we are in. Things are hard about being in graduate school, that is for sure! But the age my kids are at make life so wonderful! I never want them to grow up! I'm not ready for sassy teenagers and late nights staying up worrying about them while they are out with friends. I'm sure there will be great things about that stage too, but I really love where we are at right now.
Today while eating lunch Kade asked if Jesus ever did bad things and I told him, "No, Jesus was always nice and loved everyone"
He said, "Then why did his friends trap him and hurt him?"
My mind is racing and I start to cry. How do I answer that when it makes me so sad to think that anyone could hurt our Savior?
I said, "Because Satan tempted them to do it. Satan wants people to do bad things because he is bad and he doesn't want anyone to be happy. Satan never gets to live with Heavenly Father again so he tries to get people to do bad things so they won't be able to live with Heavenly Father again either."
"Because Satan is in jail?" He asked.
"Yes, Satan is in jail."
"Mom, where is heaven? Is it in space?"
Wow! He can ask some deep questions. "No," I said, "heaven is right here by us."
"How will we know how to get to heaven when our hearts stop and our bodies are buried?"
Honestly I don't know the correct answer for this but I said, "Someone special will come to your spirit and lead you to heaven. Grandma Hobson will come take you there because she loves you so much."
"Oh ya!" He said, "Because she is our little angel."
Yes she is.
And it's moments like these with Kade's deep, spiritual questions, that I feel her presence close by and I know more assuredly that Heaven is not far away in space. It really is right here with us.
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