
Monday, March 24, 2014

Calls to Repentance, Sweet Caroline

I'm not perfect. 
Although I try to not dwell on all of my imperfections, my children can sometimes make that hard to do. Tonight Kade pointed out that I was not acting like Jesus would. 
We were getting ready to start Family Home Evening, but we were waiting for Kade to go to the bathroom because he had said that he needed to, but he kept playing with toys or talking to Brad and suddenly I raised my voice and told him to "Go to the bathroom now!" He frowned, walked away, and went and when he came back he said, "Mom, you yelled at me! Jesus wouldn't do that! You are not being like Jesus."
Oh man. 
That hurts when someone points that out so bluntly.
But he was right, I was not being like Jesus. So I told him I was sorry and that I would try to be better, and, as Jesus would, he quickly forgave me. 
I'm grateful that he is smart enough to recognize when I am not being like Jesus and I'm grateful that he is bold enough to tell me. It helps me try and be better!

Brad introduced the kids to the song "Sweet Caroline" this week and they love it. I really love that song! I hope someday to be able to hear it as I watch a Red Sox game at Fenway Park.

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