
Monday, February 11, 2013


Have you ever let yourself fall backwards fulling trusting that the person behind you would catch you?
I've heard of people doing it before, but I have never been daring enough to do it.
Until tonight.
I guess when you are trying to teach your kids a lesson, you can't teach them any better than by getting up and showing them. So, I let myself fall back, having faith and trust in my husband that he would catch me. And he did! I was a little nervous for a second that he might not, or I was at least wondering at what point he would finally catch me, because he loves to tease me. But it wasn't bad at all!
Then each of our kids tried it. It was hilarious to watch their faces wince as they started to fall and then see the relief once they realized their Dad caught them.
My faith and trust in the Lord is one of the most important things to me. I know He loves me, I know He hears my prayers, I know He wants me to be happy, I know I lived with Him before I came to Earth, and I know I can live with Him again. I have full faith and trust in that knowledge.
This video has got me thinking a lot about all the trust my children have in me to take care of them. I had that same trust in my own parents. And it is amazing the blessing that will come into our lives when we have that kind of trust in our Heavenly Father and in our Savior Jesus Christ.

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