Tonight as a family we learned about the importance of loving everyone. Not just our family and friends but everyone! We talked about different ways we can show our love i.e. helping clean up toys, sharing, and saying nice words. We also took turn pretending to be sad and then someone else would cheer us up by giving us a hug and saying, "I love you." Kade loved that game and played it all night long even after the lesson was over.
I feel like I've been reminded a lot lately how important it is to love everyone, even our enemies, even those that hate us. I think it is so easy to look at people and immediately start judging them in one way or another. We, as people, do that with most everything it seems. There is always a reason to hate something or like something. When we are buying a new car we are judging each make and model trying to determine what is best. When we are deciding which restaurant to go to for dinner, we judge the food, the ambiance, the location, the staff. When we are searching for a radio station in our car we judge the music and the d.j. There are so many reviews to be read on so many different products that are filled with peoples' judgments. Maybe our brains are just wired that way, to judge and to form opinions about different things.
But we shouldn't do that with people. We should be looking for the good in everyone. We should be seeing them the way that the Lord sees them. And the Lord loves all of us.
It is so nice to be loved and I'm grateful for a husband and cute kids who are constantly showing me how much they love me. And I love showing my love for them.
Speaking of love, I loved today. It was cold again today, so we were stuck inside most of the day and we did nothing but dance. I don't think I've danced that much since college! Kade's favorite songs to dance to were this one and this one. We had a blast.
I have a confession, though. I think I'm obsessed with boy bands. Obviously I was a huge fan of 'N Sync when I was in middle school, but that is kind of normal, right? I'm a little too old to like One Direction so much aren't I? My 12 year old niece loves One Direction. I kind of feel like I should be over the boy band phase in life, but I just love One Direction!
Maybe I love them so much because Kade and Tenley loves the music and they love to dance to it. Whenever their song "What Makes You Beautiful" comes on we have to turn it up super loud because Kade says it's Tenley's song. It's funny!
But whatever the reason, I do love their music. It is fun to dance to and it has been brightening up the cold winter days lately!
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