
Monday, July 27, 2020

Mini Golf, Family Mottos

For Kade’s night tonight he wanted to go mini golfing. Even though it was 90 degrees outside we decided to go after dinner. The course was mainly in the shade so the heat wasn’t actually that bad. The kids loved playing and Luke knew just what to do with his little plastic golf club. He felt like one of the big kids with his own bal and club. It was really fun to watch him!
I actually played really well for the first half of the course with a score of 27. I was in the lead! And then somehow I lost it and Brad won with Kade in second and me in third. 
On the way out I saw they had a great quote on their wall that said “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” It was so well said! Brad and I had just been talking about this type of mantra over the weekend. Sometimes we dream too big and our dreams are a bit too far fetched. I was trying to tell Brad that we should just appreciate what we do have and what we can do to which he said, “Yes we just need to learn to appreciate the sucky things in life.” I didn’t like the way he said that at all! But in his mind it makes complete sense the way he said it. It reminds me of the other motto he gave us. When we were first married (and sometimes still to this day) I had a real problem with caring way too much about what other people thought of me. I’m a people pleaser and I don’t like to disappoint people. So he said, “Tiff, just say to yourself ‘Everyone else can piss off.’” Lol. Not the best language but Brad likes to be blunt. I told him tonight that someday he’s going to have these mottos printed in his cabin and his grandkids are going to laugh at their grumpy old grandpa. Haha. 

We talked to the kids about our amazing and classy family mottos tonight (I’m definitely being sarcastic here). They laughed but I hope they do understand that it’s important to not let other people’s opinion of you keep you from doing what you know is right. It’s all between you and God. AND life isn’t about having the most money or the nicest things. You can’t take any of that with you. Life is about truly appreciating what you have been given and using that in the best way you can. I heard someone say the other day to turn your expectations into appreciation. Just love what you have! ❤️

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