
Thursday, April 12, 2018


Tenley braved school today. I actually wanted her to stay home, but she begged me to let her go. She said she missed her classmates. I told her to call me if she didn't feel well so I could bring her home, but I never heard from her. When she did make it home she looked pretty tired and said her throat hurt. I can't believe she toughed it out anyway! Actually, I can. That girl is so tough. Way tougher than I am.
Ryder and I got ourselves out of the house today to visit Brad at work and to go to Target for a little bit. He was definitely ready to come home when we were done though. He ended up falling asleep in the car on the way home and he stayed asleep as I transferred him to his bed. So I had a quiet house all to myself for a few hours. It was a crazy switch from the long week we've had!
Ryder woke up just before Brad and the kids got home. We cuddled on the couch while we waited and saw the snow start to fall. We'll probably get a lot of snow tonight, but it should all melt quickly at least!

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