
Friday, February 24, 2017

Tough Girls

Tenley is the toughest little girl I know. She constantly surprises me. She has had a loose tooth for a few days now and she asked if Brad could pull it for her! So after we picked up Kade from school we went up to the office, Brad numbed her up a bit, and then asked if she'd mind if Kade pulled the tooth instead. She said, "Sure!" She wasn't scared at all. She got in the chair, winced a little as Kade was pulling, and then was fine. No tears at all. Equally impressive was Kade's skills at pulling the tooth. He did a great job!
In other news, Ryder is super sick. He has a high fever and has wanted to cuddle Brad most the day. It's sweet to have so many cuddles, but we feel bad for him at the same time. Hopefully it passes soon!

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