My kids were so cute today. Tenley has gotten Ryder into coloring. He loves to color a picture and then bring it to me, just like Tenley does. I need a bigger wall to put all their artwork on!
We had a lot of vegetables to eat tonight so Brad told the kids that if they could eat as many vegetables as him then they could have two desserts! Kade ate them up pretty quickly! It took Tenley a while longer, but she finished them all as well! They requested homemade cookies for dessert along with ice cream topped with hot fudge, whip cream, and m&ms! That's a lot of sugar!
We ended the night cuddled up watching National Geographic while my yummy new candled burned (I needed some shopping therapy earlier!). The show Human Planet is one of my favorites! I love learning more about the world and different cultures. It is amazing how people live in different climates and different parts of the world. It is truly an eye opening show. I've never felt so small! The world is a big place.
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