
Friday, January 6, 2017


Today was Brad's Mom's birthday so we did our best to honor her memory in little ways. We talked about her a lot with the kids and Kade still has some good memories of her. The talks did prompt some crazy questions from Kade like, "How old is Jesus?" He is such a deep thinker...
We bought some balloons to send off in the sky tonight. It's a fun way for the kids to do something for Grandma even though she isn't here. Ryder wasn't very happy about letting his balloon go. He really, really, really loves balloons! But later he was super cute while I was busy in the kitchen. He kept saying, "Dada, basketball!" He loves sitting on the couch with Brad to watch basketball with him. He wouldn't stop begging for it so Brad gave in. It was the sweetest thing!
I made homemade bread tonight because it definitely reminds me of my mother-in-law. I also attempted cinnamon rolls which were her thing as well. Hers were always so delicious and I've never been able to make good ones! I tried a new recipe tonight and was pretty excited about it until I saw that it called for powdered milk which I don't have! But then I remembered that years ago, my sweet mother-in-law had given us boxes and boxes of canned food storage like flour, sugar, potatoes, and powdered milk! I dug it out and used it for the first time. I was so thankful! And the cinnamon rolls were really good! Tiny miracles :)

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