
Friday, October 3, 2014

Screen Savers

1 year ago today was the day that Brad's Mom passed away. Remembering it brings back so many emotions and our hearts are still aching for her. Brad has told me frequently that he continues to think about her every day. The loss created a huge void in his life, in all of our lives. We continue to try to cope by knowing that families are eternal, that we will see her again, that she is in heaven now and free from pain. We cling to the precious memories that we've had with her and try everyday to be the kind of good people that she would want us to be and that she was. Her loving, charitable, selfless attitude and devotion to her husband and her children will be something I'll never forget.

When our computer goes to screen saver mode it cycles through all of the pictures on our computer in a random order, but ever since last year we've notice that every time it goes to screen saver mode the very first picture that comes up is the one we have of Brad when he was a newborn baby being held by his mother for the first time. All the other pictures continue in a random order after that. It's a tender mercy for us and a great reminder that although we can't physically touch her anymore, or talk to her and hear her voice, she is still watching over us and cares about tremendously.

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