
Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Indy 500, Good Samaritans

Kade, Brad, and his Dad were lucky enough to go to the Indy 500 today. They had amazing seats that we got from a friend that were luckily in the shade and on turn 1. Kade thought it was awesome but kept saying how loud it was! Brad and his Dad really enjoyed it and were glad they were able to go.
We decided that I would drop them off and pick them up at the race to avoid parking fees and stress for them, but little did we know how crazy it would be for me! The cops closed off a lot of the roads and I wasn't able to get anywhere near where the boys were waiting for me, they were only letting taxi cabs or news crews through. After an hour of driving in circles I finally got within an hour of them and they started walking toward me. They weren't walking too long before a super nice Jamaican taxi driver pulled over and offered them a ride for free to where I was. Brad told him not to worry, but the driver just said, "Oh no man, you have your son and your Dad with you, you've got three generations there! I'm a Dad, I know how it is, just get in I will take you to your wife!" And he did! It made the miserable past hour not so bad. I love nice people!

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