I was running errands a lot today. Relief Society visits this morning with my friend and then dropping Kade off at basketball practice, taking some things to Brad's office, picking Kade up from basketball practice and then heading to a lesson with the Elders. They're teaching a boy Kade's age so it was good for us both to be there. But, apparently while Kade and I were gone things were not going well at home. Tenley has a fever and was on the couch all day. I told the little boys that when they were done with their electronic time they should go outside to play because it was gorgeous! They did play outside for a little bit but then Ryder wanted to come back inside and Luke was not ok with that. He was mad, screaming, and threatened to throw rocks at the window and break Ryder's Legos along with other things. It was awful! Parenting is hard and kids aren't perfect, but this was worse than what I've had to deal with for any of our other children. We need to make some changes so we have new rules and boundaries with Luke now. He is a sweet kid but he is learning bad behavior and we need to fix it. I also need to be more present or he needs to be coming along with me. Luke seems to understand how serious it all was and he also understands our new rules. Sometimes it takes a bad moment to give us the motivation we need to make good changes in life. That happened to us today. Luke is still learning right from wrong and hopefully we can all be better teachers for him! Seriously, it's hard to imagine such a sweet face saying such mean things!
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