We celebrated Brad's birthday today! It was actually a really busy day so it was hard to fully celebrate but we definitely tried. I did get to take him out for a fancy dinner tonight which was so nice and so delicious. We will do more celebrating tomorrow!
Since Brad never asks for anything, I got nostalgic with his presents. Both of his grandparents had fun traditions for each birthday. His Grandma and Grandpa Hobson would always roll up a dollar bill for each year you were turning so Tenley helped me roll up 42 dollar bills for him. Then his Grandma and Grandpa Ricks would give each grandchild sugar cookies in an old school lunch pail, which obviously wasn't old school to them. Brad's little brother has the lunch pail now, but I found a similar one on eBay to gift to Brad. He thought it was pretty funny.
His birthday present to himself was to turn his phone on do not disturb. haha. Oh the life of a Bishop...he's been dealing with some problems lately and he just needed a break. But then, of course, 3 major problems came up today. One was finding out that our old Bishop's house burned down. He had been burning weeds and thought the fire was out, but an hour later it got so big so quick that they had to run out of the house and watch it burn. It's so sad.
Tenley and Kade both had basketball games this morning out in Simms. Straight from there we went to their piano festival where Kade, Tenley, and Ryder all played so well! I love hearing them play. I'm so proud of them. They got a lot of feedback so they're a bit nervous that they didn't get superior but we will have to see. I think they nailed it.
After the festival we went to the house of our old Bishop. Brad spent a lot of time with them. They have a lot of support and they realize it's all just possessions anyway, but I am still so heartbroken for them. It is true though that it's our relationships that matter the most. Everything else is just stuff. It was a good reminder for me to be grateful for the people in my life. And I'm definitely grateful for Brad. My Mr. Fix it, problem solver, hardworking husband. He's a good one.