Six years ago this October, my husband was diagnosed with malignant
melanoma. It was a shock to our family especially since the doctors were
unable to find a primary source of the cancer. At the time, we had five
married children scattered throughout the western states, a son in Canada on
a mission, a son in Provo attending BYU and our youngest son in high
school. We wanted to gather as many of our children together as possible to
give a priesthood blessing to their father.
We had contacted all our children except our missionary and our BYU
student. We decided to wait until after the surgery to contact our missionary
but during the day we could not find our BYU student. His roommates did
not know where he was, we called his Elders Quorum President – no one
knew where to find him.
I went into our bedroom and knelt down and asked our Heavenly Father to
help us and to guide us in the right direction to find our son, Brad. As our
family was starting to gather in our home a few hours later, I was sitting at
the kitchen table still wondering who I could call to help us find Brad when
the garage door opened and in walked Brad. He had planned to surprise us
for a weekend visit not knowing what was going on at home.
Experiences like this in our family have certainly strengthened my faith in
knowing that our Heavenly Father is well aware of each of us and what is
going on in our lives. We all need to be a “product of a household of faith”.
We are not going to survive in this world, temporally or spiritually without
increased faith in the Lord. I don’t mean just a positive mental attitude, but I
mean downright solid faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This strong faith is
what gives vitality and power to otherwise rather weak individuals. I know
that is through our family’s faith and prayers that my husband was healed
and is able to serve in the temple this day.
I know that God lives and that he loves us. I understand better what this
means now. I am grateful for His atonement in our behalf. The admonition
to “come unto Christ” is the hub around which everything in the church
revolves – and for good reason. The verb “come” implies action on our part
– placing responsibility for coming unto the Savior squarely upon our
shoulders. Jesus Christ Himself has promised, “Draw near unto me and I
will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye
shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
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