
Tuesday, November 17, 2020


I was tempted to skip school today and take the kids swimming, but then I thought that it probably wouldn’t be a good ide to run away from the necessary thing that we hate. So I tried to start it off differently. We all did a 20 minute workout together, then I had the kids do affirmations and meditations along with prayer, reading, and journaling. Thanks  to the book The Miracle Morning this has become my morning routine and I thought the kids might benefit from it. They definitely seemed to think it was awkward, but I’m glad they tried. Even Luke laid still while we mediatated. And he loves joining in on exercise. I also decided not to try and multi-task while the kids do school. I have to be 100% present with them. And really if you think about it, multi-tasking is the antithesis of being present. I really need to try and stop that habit and desire to get multiple things done at once. And honestly, today went a lot better. Teaching Ryder to read is still a difficult and slow process but it is teaching me patience like nothing else could I’m sure. 
The kids got extra time at the gymnastics place today because it was closed last week AND it was nice enough weather to walk the dog. All the activity helped as well. Now we just need to be consistent about these changes and improvements!

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