We woke up to a really cold morning today. Since it had snowed yesterday the trees were covered in ice crystals. It is so beautiful! Next time it happens I need to do a better job at capturing it.
Then about 20 minutes after I had dropped the kids off at school I got a call from Tenley’s teacher telling me that Tenley wasn’t feeling well. She said she had a headache so I went back to get her. She took a good nap when we got home, drank lots of water and was back to normal after that! I hope she stays healthy and that she doesn’t have the flu.
Ryder had a blast having Tenley home. They played Legos, Tenley taught him preschool, and we all made a Valentines box for Ryder because he really wanted one. Lol. I’ll have to add some candy to it tomorrow for him.
Tonight was the big Crosstown rivalry basketball game at the High School. Brad and Kade went to the game while the rest of stayed home. We danced a lot. They love following along with the moves of the amazing girls of Refit Revolution. Then we watched their favorite movie, Aladdin (the new one). My little ones are so much fun to party with.
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