
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

'Well' Moments

Thanksgiving is on Thursday and we had been planning to drive to Utah on Wednesday and spend the holiday and weekend with my family. We’ve all been looking forward to it. But then we learned today that a really big snowstorm will be coming and making traveling really difficult. We decided it was best to cancel our trip and just stay home. It was a hard decision and the kids and I have shed many tears over it, but it probably is the right decision.
I have to admit that I’ve been praying hard for weeks that a storm wouldn’t keep us from going to Utah, so then to have such a big storm keep us from going to Utah made me a bit angry that my prayers weren’t answered the way I wanted. I listened to several different arrangements of one of my favorite hymns, It Is Well With My Soul to push away the anger and it did help a bit. The background of how those words were written is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. This man had lost his fortune, his son, and then all of his daughters when a ship sunk. He had every reason to be angry and sad, and yet he wrote, “it is well with my soul.” That man had so much faith. I noticed later that the quote I had turned to this morning said, “Life is not merely to Be Alive, but to be well.” It got me thinking a lot about what it really means to be well. I think it means to be content, to trust in God and his plan, to be so sure about the eventual outcome of returning to God and being with your family again forever that no trial can break you. Since this morning I’ve still had a few moments of anger and sadness. I want so badly to be with my whole family. But I’ve also had a few moments where I’ve felt well. Hopefully as the days pass by I’ll have more and more well moments.

Kade stayed home from school again and did Ryder's reading lesson with him. He's a great teacher! He also had a basketball game tonight and played well! He has a really great team.

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