
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Cinnamon Rolls, Kade's Lessons

I am the worst at making cinnamon rolls. Brad's mom always made delicious homemade cinnamon rolls and I have tried so hard to do the same so Brad can have them on weekends like this. It's general conference and also the 6 year anniversary of her passing. I knew I needed cinnamon rolls. But I've tried several recipes and have failed time and time again. So I bought frozen ones from the store... Brad saw them in the freezer and was pretty disappointed. He even commented that he might make them himself! So I decided to scour the web for a new, hopefully amazing, recipe. I am so happy to say that I found one! Thank you Mel, you are a life saver for sharing such an amazing recipe that even I couldn't mess up it's deliciousness! They turned out so yummy and I am so relieved. Now I have a go-to cinnamon roll recipe. Yay!

We had a great day as a family. It was sunny outside with no snow to be seen. It was technically my night to lead Family Home Evening, but Kade asked me if he could switch me night instead because he had a great lesson idea in mind. He never told me what it was and I was excited to see what he had come up with. He started his lesson with the newest Book of Mormon video and then he told us of an analogy he had come up with while we were moving rock this past weekend-side note, we got 4 yards of rock delivered to our driveway for our backyard garden area. We had to shovel it into a wheelbarrow and drag it to the backyard. The rock needed to go on either side of our sidewalk. He told us that the sidewalk is like the covenant path that we need to follow, and if we fall off, we'll slip away in the rocks and it will be hard work to get back on the path so we need to try hard to stay on the path. This actually happened a time or two while he was pulling the wheel barrow, so he was speaking from experience about the hard work that it takes to get back on the path!
It was the most simple and beautiful message from my smart and deep thinking 10 year old. He is a wise boy and he is exactly right. I loved what he shared. It was a great message.

He then asked us all what our favorite talks from conference were. Brad loved Elder Bednar's talk, Tenley loved hearing the prophet, Ryder loved the "every day, every day, every day" talk, I loved Elder Holland's talk, and Kade loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk (the reference to The Hobbit helped I think!). It was a great conference and I'm looking forward to reading and re-listening to the talks.

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