
Friday, October 20, 2017

Fall Break

The kids haven't had school these past few days due to fall break and it's been nice to have them home. It's been really nice to sleep in! With Brad home today we decided to set up the tramp but then that good ol' Great Falls wind picked up and we've been wondering if that was a good idea or not. Brad did stake it down really well so hopefully the 60 mph winds we'll be having in the next few days won't make the tramp fly away.
With all the wind we decided to try and fly our kite and that was quite the experience as well! We discovered that sometimes it can be too windy to fly a kite! We'll hopefully get used to this new climate over here sometime soon, but I'm sure our neighbors had a good laugh at us when they saw us setting up a tramp and flying a kite!

Kade's  football coach's wife is the athletic director at the Catholic High School so all of Kade's practices have been held there. When the weather is really bad they've been able to use the equipment inside which is so nice. Tonight the High School football team scrimmaged with them, and let them try on some of their equipment. Kade loved it! It was a fun experience for him and his teammates.

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