
Thursday, August 4, 2016


I had the weirdest dizzy spell happen to me this morning. I've never had an experience like that but out of the blue I got really dizzy and had to lay down for almost an hour. I was really nauseous and it would get worse every time I tried to get up. The kids were sweet and would cuddle with me and take pictures of me but after a while Ryder decided to tear apart my bathroom and bedroom. Oh well 😕. 
Luckily the dizziness didn't last too long and I feel pretty much back to normal now. But the sweetest thing was that as I pulled up to the kids swim lessons late and dressed in workout clothes and a baseball hat because I was lying on the floor most of the morning, a sweet mom I just met last week met me at my car with flowers in a vase from her garden just because! It really brightened my day! I don't think she knows how much it meant to me. People are amazing!

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