
Saturday, August 8, 2015


Tonight Brad had planned a fun boys night for Kade and himself to go to the demolition derby while Tenley, Ryder, and I planned to stay home and watch the new Cinderlla movie. They've both been looking forward to it! The boys were able to watch a few of the events, but before too long Kade told Brad he wasn't feeling well and that he wanted to come. He could tell he had an asthma attack coming. Sure enough on their 20 minute drive home his attack progressed rapidly and he could hardly breathe. Tenley and I met them at the garage with his medicine and once we got him inside and finished his treatment he was doing a lot better. I hate to see him suffer like that. While he was lying on his bed in between treatments, I laid my head on his chest to listen to his breathing and to just hug him. While I was doing that he put his arms around my head and said, "Mom, how was Cinderella?" I couldn't believe that with all he was going through at that moment that he was thinking of me. He is such a sweet, sweet boy and I'm so grateful to have him and his wonderful example of love and kindness in our home. I'm also grateful that we've been able to get his attacks under control quickly. Medicine and prayer work miracles.

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