
Friday, July 10, 2015

To-Love List

Kent, Heidi, and Dale all spoke at Hayden's funeral and I was so impressed with their remarks. They all did a wonderful job. My favorite message came from Kent. He said, "We get so self absorbed with our own to-do list, that it becomes more important than our to-love list."
This really hit me because I'm often focus on the house chores such as cleaning, dishes, and laundry, while the kids are playing together. Some people get distracted from their to-love list by their phones or other media devices, but for me it is my to-do list that I sometimes let take precedence over those I love. I need to take breaks from my to-do list more often and focus solely on those I love the most. A to-do list may need to get done but not at the expense of time and love and attention that I need to give to my husband and children each day.
Sister Linda S. Reeves said, 
 “It is OK if the house is a mess and the children are still in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone. The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.”

I love this thought and I'm going to work harder on my to-love list!

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