Up until a month ago I had a friend that would come over early every morning before our kids woke up to exercise with me. It was such a good motivation for me to get out of bed. Now that I don't have that it has been harder for me to get up. With the weather turning cooler and the darkness lingering longer, bed is just so warm and comfortable that I hate getting out of it.
I guess it's just the
"natural man" in me that would much rather sleep in as long as possible, eat 8 cookies a day, and do as little as possible in the way of increasing my knowledge or developing any talents.
It is so hard to overcome the tendency to just be lazy! But I've been realizing how unhappy I am when I let myself be lazy and give in to my "natural man." And I know it makes me unhappy because that is not who I truly am. None of us are truly lazy people. We are children of God and therefore have great potential and a divine nature. In John 15:19 it says, "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
We come from God, not the world, and are here on Earth to gain a body and to learn to overcome the natural man within us so we can return to our Father in Heaven and become the godly creatures that we are meant to be.
The trick is to find some sort of motivation to overcome the natural man and become more like our true spiritual self, the person we are meant to be and should be. I believe that is why we come to Earth as
families so that we can teach each other and motivate each other and be there for each other when things are hard or when we struggle to overcome bad habits. Can you imagine being here on Earth without any family tie to anyone? Being totally alone in this journey?
Not having family would take away all the motivation I have. The family is where we can find the greatest joy and happiness here on Earth.
I need to take better care of my family and be their motivator and cheerleader to help them get through this life and overcome their natural man. I'm so grateful for my family, extended and immediate, who have been there, are there, and will be there to motivate and help me.
These cute faces are pretty good motivation for me to be a better person and try harder every day!