
Monday, September 30, 2013


Today my kids and I went to the Library to pick out some books for preschool on Thursday. When we walked in my kids ran to play on the computer or look at the toys and puzzles and I searched for some books for preschool. I hadn't noticed that my kids were playing alone together so well and being so patient while they waited for me to be done until a lady stopped me and said, "Your kids are very well behaved."
That was so nice! I've never thought of them as "very well behaved" children, but they definitly were acting like it at that moment. I don't think I would have given them the appreciation they deserved if this nice lady wouldn't have taken the time to compliment them to me.

I have to share a funny story that Brad had with Tenley on Saturday. He told Tenley that she needed a new diaper and Tenley looked at him and said, "No, go fish!" and then walked away!
She has such a funny sense of humor! I don't think she realizes how funny she is most of the time.
Life would be so boring without my cute kids!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Baptism, Service, General Relief Society Meeting

Today was a super busy, but super awesome day!
This afternoon I was able to go to a friends baptism. She's been taking lessons from the missionaries for a few months and has been looking forward to being baptized ever since she first met them. I have loved being able to go to some of the lessons with her and I've loved getting to know her better. She is truly an amazing person who loves the Lord and wants to be obedient. I love her!
There was such a great spirit at her baptism! I loved learning more about the covenants we make with the Lord when we are baptized and the promises he makes to us that are found in Mosiah chapter 18.
What a special thing it is to be baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and to promise the Lord that we will keep His commandments and take upon us the name of Jesus Christ and to be promised that if we do those things we will have eternal joy and happiness. I'm grateful for my own baptism and I'm so grateful that, today, I was able to be a part of my friends baptism.

After the baptism I got to head to a Stake Relief Society service project, dinner, and broadcast night. There were so many opportunities to serve: sorting new blankets and clothes for children's shelters here in Indianapolis, sorting used clothes for the homeless shelters, making baby bracelets for the hospital to give to still-born babies, and making and writing cards to the missionaries.
Afterward we had a yummy dinner together and listened to uplifting messages from our Stake Leaders and then we were able to watch the General Relief Society Meeting that was broadcast from Salt Lake City, UT.
I'm so grateful to be apart of the organization of Relief Society that has the power to do so much good for the people around them.
It was such a good uplifting day and night!

And I'm really, really, really grateful to my sweet husband for taking care of our kids all day so I was able to attend all those meetings. He must really love me :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Finished Projects

I've finally finished the projects I've been working since I left Hailey Hobson's adorable home and was inspired by her amazing and cute projects.
The first thing I wanted to do was organize this board that I have above the computer:
It used to be covered with lots of papers, but now it just has fun pictures and cute quotes. Much better!

Then our kitchen window needed some curtains! Luckily I had some leftover fabric from the above project that I had done last year so that was easy!

Then I tried to create a cute little art nook for the kids in the kitchen:
They love coloring and eating and at their cool little table!

Lastly I've been wanting to revamp our bedroom for a long time. I can't do much until we are done with dental school when we'll be able to buy new furniture and a new bedspread, but for now we have some fun new art for the wall! I really like it. Thanks again Hailey for the printable! I love it!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Anderson Orchard, Cider Slush

Today we went to Anderson Orchard with friends to play on the playground, pick raspberries and apples, and have a fun picnic. The weather was beautiful and except for the crowd at the playground we had a great time! We had some of their yummy cider slush on the drive home! It isn't fall without some yummy cider slush!

Tenley was overwhelmed by all the kids on the playground so she mainly hung out here the whole time while they all ran around her.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Up until a month ago I had a friend that would come over early every morning before our kids woke up to exercise with me. It was such a good motivation for me to get out of bed. Now that I don't have that it has been harder for me to get up. With the weather turning cooler and the darkness lingering longer, bed is just so warm and comfortable that I hate getting out of it. 
I guess it's just the "natural man" in me that would much rather sleep in as long as possible, eat 8 cookies a day, and do as little as possible in the way of increasing my knowledge or developing any talents. 
It is so hard to overcome the tendency to just be lazy! But I've been realizing how unhappy I am when I let myself be lazy and give in to my "natural man." And I know it makes me unhappy because that is not who I truly am. None of us are truly lazy people. We are children of God and therefore have great potential and a divine nature. In John 15:19 it says, "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." 
We come from God, not the world, and are here on Earth to gain a body and to learn to overcome the natural man within us so we can return to our Father in Heaven and become the godly creatures that we are meant to be.
The trick is to find some sort of motivation to overcome the natural man and become more like our true spiritual self, the person we are meant to be and should be. I believe that is why we come to Earth as families so that we can teach each other and motivate each other and be there for each other when things are hard or when we struggle to overcome bad habits. Can you imagine being here on Earth without any family tie to anyone? Being totally alone in this journey? 
Not having family would take away all the motivation I have. The family is where we can find the greatest joy and happiness here on Earth. 
I need to take better care of my family and be their motivator and cheerleader to help them get through this life and overcome their natural man. I'm so grateful for my family, extended and immediate, who have been there, are there, and will be there to motivate and help me. 
These cute faces are pretty good motivation for me to be a better person and try harder every day!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Before my father-in-law left he gave me some advice and counsel. He came up to me while I was making lunch and said, "Tiff (and then paused so I knew he was about to share something serious), I know your life is busy right now, but take mental pictures of your kids at this age, enjoy your time with them. These are the good days."
So today, I followed that counsel. I forgot about most everything else and focused on my cute kids and played with them. We spent the morning cleaning a little bit together and then went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Kade wanted to dig with his tractors by the tree and then we went on an adventure to find a beehive. Kade has been wanting to see one, but luckily we didn't find one. We ended up at a park we don't normally play at and I went down the slide with Tenley multiple times. We had a picnic, Tenley requested Mac & Cheese and Kade wanted to eat on the front porch, so we did. Then it was dance party time and nap time and after that we went on a walk/bike ride and ended up at another park so Kade could play with some friends. 
It was such a good day. I loved playing with my kids. I didn't get as many pictures as I wish I would have, but I took a lot of mental pictures! I'm grateful I was able to enjoy such a beautiful day with my kids and for my father-in-law's counsel that helped me remember to not let my life get so busy that one day I'll look back and forget what my kids were like at this time.
These are the good days.

Kade's favorite part of the day: Playing at the park with his friends

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mormon Messages, Monster Cookies, Allowance

Tonight for family home evening we learned about how we can be missionaries in our everyday life. I found a great video from Mormon Messages to help us learn how we can do just that. The kids loved it, although Kade just wanted to go for a bike ride afterward. He is funny. And Tenley's favorite part of FHE is singing. She knows the words AND actions now! I love this age and I love seeing her learn and grow and be excited about such simple things!

The kids helped me make monster cookies and I remember now why I try not to make them anymore. They are so addictive! I love them. I think I ate 8 cookies today and now I have the weirdest combination of feeling sore from my morning workout (Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 week 4. Holy cow it was hard! But still not as hard as Insanity...), but yet super fat from too many cookies! How does that work? Guess we'll have to find some friends to give them away to tomorrow!

Kade played at his friends Lydia's a few weeks ago and they had a cool bulldozer that he has been wanting ever since. We decided to give him chores every day so he could earn $.50 a day and save up for his bulldozer toy. He has been doing so well at helping around the house and doing the chores we ask him to do. Today he finally had enough money to buy the tractor set! He was so excited!

Kade's Favorite Part of the Day: Buying his bulldozer

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Winning, Bravery

Is it wrong to be grateful for winning? I feel kind of bad saying it, but winning made today such a great day!
Each year since we moved here Brad has participated in the IUPUI Regatta, a canoe race on the canal in downtown Indy. It is a blast! Each time he has come so close to winning but for one reason or another it hasn't happened. The first year they got 6th place, last year they got 2nd, but this year they got 1st place!! We are all so excited for them! The kids, Brad's parents and I had a fun time cheering them on all day and playing some fun games while we waited for the races. We look forward to this even every year and are happy (and a little bit sad at the same time) that we get to do it one more time.

They had a tall rock climbing wall at the canal park for kids to climb. When we first got there Kade really wanted to climb it, but I didn't think it would be a good idea. He kept asking though, so later that day I let him try. I was surprised at how brave he was and how quickly he got to the top! He did an awesome job! I was so proud of him! Getting down was another story, but he made it and I hope he keeps being brave like that.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Playin' Hooky, Logan's Roadhouse, Football Games

This morning Brad went to school for a few hours and then left so he could come explore the Children's Museum with us! We loved having him and Grandpa Hobson there with us. 

For dinner we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Logan's Roadhouse. Their rolls are so delicious!

With Brad's parents in town comes lots and lots of football watching! We had three games going at once tonight! The Boise State game, my nephew Joey's game in Twin Falls ID, and my brother-in-law's team in Shelley ID. Two wins and one loss...sorry Boise State. It was a fun night!

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