
Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'm so blessed to have two sweet children. One boy and one girl. They make me so happy!
They, well especially my 3 year old son, can also make me a little crazy.
Maybe it's just a hard age. Maybe it's just his personality. Maybe it's the way I parent him. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but we have power struggles more often than you should, I think.
I have read 3 parenting books in the past 2 months and they have all left me pretty confused and not much has improved between my son and I.
Through trial and error, and a lot of prayer I've come up with my own ideas on what is the best thing for me to do as a parent with my children. There are 5 things I think they absolutely need.

  1. LOVE 
  3. PRAISE 
LOVE: They need to know that I love them. I can say it a million times, but they also need me to show it. They need affection. They need hugs, kisses, and cuddles. They need to be tucked in at night and sung to and fed. They need to know I will take care of them.
ATTENTION: They need me to play with them. They need me to listen to them. They need me to stop what I'm doing right away and come to them when they call me. They need me to play on their level and show interest in the things that they like and enjoy. They need me to be a playmate and friend.
PRAISE: They need to know that I'm proud of them. They need to hear me tell them how proud I am of them often. Even if it is for something little, like putting the toys away. They need to know how happy it makes me when they choose the right and obey. They need rewards for doing the right things or for accomplishing things. They need me to hang their drawings all over the house so they can tell that I really do love them and I appreciate what they do. They need to know that I accept who they are even if it might be different than what or whom I would want them to be.
EXAMPLE: They need me to be a good example. Whatever I do they should be able to do also. They will follow my lead, repeat what I say, and act how I act. If I'm not happy with their behavior, maybe I should look at changing my own. 
CONSISTENCY: They need a routine. They need me to follow through with whatever I say. They need me to stay consistently calm even when I feel like going crazy. They need to trust that I will be collected no matter what situation we get ourselves into. They need to know that no matter what I will always be there to give them a hug, wipe their tears away, and be there with them through the consequences.

When I focus on these things and not warnings, time outs, and punishments. We all seem to be leaps and bounds happier. 

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