
Monday, October 8, 2012


Most days feel pretty chaotic. There are 3 things I just have to accomplish everyday: a workout, a shower, and some time to play the piano. That should be easy to fit into my day, right? It should only total about an hour and a half to two hours of selfish time to myself in a whole day. Is that too much to ask?
Sometimes it seems like it is.
The kids wake up and need breakfast and want to play, laundry and dishes are never-ending, the house always need to be cleaned somewhere. With grocery shopping, doctor appointments, and play-dates with friends almost everyday of the week is booked. Planning meals and cooking dinner and making lunches takes a big chunk of the day too.
And there are always distractions...
This past weekend was General Conference. I LOVE conference weekend. It was so nice to cuddle and play with my kids while we watched General Conference and heard such uplifting messages from the Prophet and Apostles and General Authorites. And I learned a lot. I have a renewed desire to be better in many different areas in my life.
So, even though the days seem chaotic and I might not get to do one or two of the things I WANT to do done (a shower is non-negotiable!), I have decided there are 3 things that I NEED to do everyday: read to my kids, snuggle with my husband, and give undivided, non-distracted time to my children. If I can't fit those things into my day, something is wrong with my priorities!

Here is proof of the chaos that occurs as I try to make dinner!

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