
Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Luke has been wanting to be a knight since we saw the play on Saturday so we pulled out an old costume and Ryder found his dragon cape and they played knights and dragons. Seeing the kids use their imaginations is one of my favorite things.

Monday, January 30, 2023


I may have written about this already, but Tenley got the #10 on her basketball jersey this year by chance and she was so excited. She had been wanting that number for a long time! Her game went OK tonight. She seemed to have fun at least!

Wise Words

Brad’s cousin passed away unexpectedly earlier this month. It has been so sad, but as I watched his funeral service I was so uplifted. They shared this acronym of his that he often shared with others and I haven’t stopped thinking of it since. It truly is the simple, sacred acts that we consistently repeat every day that will bring us peace, power, and perspective.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Children’s Theater

Tenley and Ryder performed in their play, King Arthur’s Quest, today. Tenley was The Lady of the Lake and Ryder was a Camelotian. They both did so well at remembering their lines and talking loudly. I was so impressed and so proud. It’s been a long exhausting week of rehearsals but they enjoyed it! Ryder even said he would do it again! 

Kade went to his first church dance today. He said he had a lot of fun with his friends and got to dance with several girls. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing up!

Friday, January 27, 2023

Powder Day

Tenley and Ryder were busy with school and play practice today so the rest of us went skiing. The hill had several inches of new snow and we were excited to ski through the powder. Luke realy enjoyed it! After lunch the four of us stayed together. Brad and Kade skied through the trees alongside Luke and I on the trail. It was a beautiful and fun day! We are tired!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hard Work

Kade has been working hard on piano and basketball. Having so much more free time as a homeschooler has really helped him excel in his areas of interest. It’s been a lot of fun to see! His piano lesson yesterday was his best one yet and his teacher was so proud of him. I am too!

And speaking of working hard, I’ve been so impressed with Tenley and Ryder this week. I can’t believe how much I miss them when they are gone until 8 pm but I can’t wait to see their play that they’ve been working so hard on!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Catching Snowflakes

The snow started falling again today and a cold spell is around the corner. Luke was happy to be catching snowflakes with his tongue though! 
Ryder and Tenley have been so busy with rehearsals for their play. They were at school for 12 hours today! I really miss them when they’re gone but they are so excited for the play.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Light Saber Battles

When I went to get Ryder and Luke for dinner I found the two of them in the middle of a light saber battle in Kade’s room with the lights off. These boys are so funny!
This week Tenley and Ryder get to be apart of the play, King Arthur, at school. They’re excited about it and I can’t wait to see them perform on Saturday! It’s been busy for them and the next few days they’ll have yo stay at school a few hours late so hopefully they enjoy it!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Luke’s Night

Luke is an opinionated little man and he loves being in charge of family night. He always chooses cream cheese chicken for dinner (or as he calls it, chicken and shiz, thanks to Brad…). The rest of us are getting sick of that dinner but he eats two or three plate fulls! We got to go out for Tenley’s basketball game which was a lot of fun. Her team won by one point! And then we came home and he wanted to watch Lego masters. He played legos all day today. I was trying to remember what Kade and Ryder were obsessed with as little boys. Kade definitely loved cars and airplanes. Ryder loves cats and planes too. But Luke is our dinosaur boy!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

My Birthday

My family and friends spoiled me today with sweet gifts and messages for my birthday. Brad made me delcious sourdough waffles for breakfast and he and Ryder and Luke washed my car for me inside and out. It’s hasn’t looked this good since we bought it!  The kids all made me sweet cards and Ryder even made me a birthday plane! Any chance he has to make a paper airplane, he’ll take it. We went out for a yummy dinner tonight and Tenley made me my favorite treat for dessert, an ice cream cookie sandwich. It was a happy day.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Skiing with my Boys

We went skiing for my birthday today! Tenley actually stayed home to go to school. She loves school so much and she chose that so I let her. We missed her but we still enjoyed the hill. Luke joined us on some tough runs but he had a good attitude most the time and he keeps improving each time we go. At one point coming down a big, steep run Brad had Luke between his legs and they were going so fast that Luke’s skiis popped off. Luckily Kade and I were there to pick them up 😂

Thursday, January 19, 2023


I’ve been soaking up every little moment I can with my little Luke. I don’t know what it is but I just wish I could freeze time right now. Life is perfect, my kids are adorable, and Luke is so sweet and cuddly. I don’t want him to grow up!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

My Grandparents

My aunt posted this sweet picture of my grandparents today on social media. I had never seen this picture before. They’re so cute and it just makes me love them even more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Reflections Contest

I got to help judge the reflections contest today at the kids’ elementary school. It was so fun to see all the amazing and creative projects from the kids! They are amazing and inspiring!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Funeral Services

I was able to watch the funeral services for Brad’s cousin over zoom this morning. It was a beautiful service and even though it is so heartbreaking the words and stories that were shared were so uplifting. The plan of happiness is real. Families are forever. And Jesus is able to help us through our struggles. His cousin loved the acronym for sacred: Simple Acts Consistently Repeated Every Day. Making time to have those sacred moments each day is important and helps bring us closer to the Lord.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Luke’s First Talk

Luke gave his first talk in primary today and it was so cute and so sweet! He didn’t have any nerves at all. He did a great job!

Saturday, January 14, 2023


We met up with our friends this morning at the church to play picklball. It was my first time playing and it was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed it. The kids had a blast running around with their friends and trying out their hoverboard.

Friday, January 13, 2023


We had another successful day skiing today! And the kids met up with some friends too which was fun. Luke is improving like crazy! Brad took him on a run and he only fell twice! Soon we may not ski on the magic carpet hill at all!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Card Games

The kids have been playing a lot of games together lately. While they were waiting for dinner to be ready they played Uno Flip. And Ryder has taken an interest in learning card tricks. With some practice he could become pretty good!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Ryder is turning 8 this year so he gets to go to activities at the church now! He was so, so excited!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Luke’s Kindness

Today was a long day. I got a lot accomplished except a chance to rest. Right before bed time I finally laid on the couch and Luke came up and gave me a great big hug. And then he went and got his blanket from his room and draped it over me taking the time to make sure it covered even my toes. He is kind. He is present. He doesn’t concern himself with a list of chores. He cares about people and enjoying life. It was a huge lesson for me today. Things and chores don’t matter. People matter. I need to be more like Luke.

Comforting Words

We were told today that Brad’s cousin died suddenly from a heart attack. He was two weeks away from turning 50 and a very fit person. We had just received a Christmas card from his wife last month. He has four kids and they are such a beautiful family. It was so shocking and so sad. But my nephew Koy who is serving a mission shared a powerful testimony in his letter about the plan of salvation. And we also heard a comforting quote about death from Gandalf on The Lord of the Rings of all places! Separation from those we love because of death hurts, but it is not the end! We will see them again.
From Elder Koy Murdock:

I got some rough news this last week and today as of an hour ago.  I'm glad I'm on a mission right now and that I don't have a lot of free time to think about it.  I was able to go out to work and focus on the Lord to where it wasn't as saddening as it usually is, but I have a strong and unbreakable testimony about the Plan of Salvation.  I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us and that whatever happens in our lives, we will all be able to reunite again someday.  I know some of us will long for that day but I promise it will come.  I know that with all my heart.  I hope you all can build your testimonies on the foundation of Jesus Christ because that is the most solid rock you will ever know.  With that being said, live everyday like it's your last.  I know everyone says that, but I invite you all to say that phrase and repeat it 3 or 5 times and say it with emotion because you might not be on this earth tomorrow.  Any impression of the Spirit that you get, you NEED to follow that before your agency comes in.  God truly knows what your life is like.  He knows you better than you know yourself.  He can help you because you don't know what's best for you.  He does.  And when you can figure that out on your own, you will live so much happier and you will be more in tune with the Spirit and I promise that as a representative of Jesus Christ.  I am forever grateful to be on a mission and that I can bring people closer to our Savior.  He's coming soon.  Many prophecies have been fulfilled so I also invite you all to repent, and come unto Him.  I love you all so much and hope that one day, we can all see each other again and share stories of our lives.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Family Game Night

Ryder begged to play this game tonight. It was a lot of fun! It was nice to make Brad turn of his phone to avoid church calls and just enjoy some family time!

Saturday, January 7, 2023


The first week of homeschooling for Kade is done for the week and I think it went pretty well! He seems happier and he is SO helpful! He had a good time hanging out with Brad yesterday and helping at the office. I hope it continues to go well!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Remembering Grandma June

Today was Brad’s mom’s birthday. It’s always hard to celebrate a person’s birthday when they aren’t here but we do our best with our balloon send off. Tenley won’t let us forget to send Grandma balloons.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Basketball with My Boys

I checked Ryder out of school for a little bit and he came and played basketball with Kade and I. It was a lot of fun. I’m aways impressed to see Ryder make a shot in the 10 foot tall hoop. He always tries so hard.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Warm Days

The temperatures may be just above freezing but with the sunshine out it feels so good! We enjoyed playing outside today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Kade is homeschooling again! I’m so happy to have him back. We studied the scriptures together this morning which was my favorite part. And he worked through his other school work so quickly. Luke was so happy to have him home as well. The boys played a lot together today. I hope it continues to all go well!
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