The past few days that Tenley has been home, I've let them watch T.V. on the couch most of the day while I've gotten a lot of things done on my to-do list. But I've been feeling really guilty about that. All they want is for me to cuddle with them, so today I forgot about my to-do list and focused on my to-love list. Yes, it's a real thing! I literally have a to-love list with people's names on it just like I have a to-do list with tasks to be done. It makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something positive when I sit and cuddle my kids on the couch and watch T.V. I am loving them and that is something I need to do every day. They are always on my to-love list.
Tenley had a little bit of energy this afternoon so she colored Ryder a get better soon picture. She loves to make cards for people, even when she is feeling awful herself. She's amazing.
Our Teddy Ruxpin may have some creepy looking eyes, but Ryder loves him!