
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Lacrosse, My Husband

Today we got to drive up to Coeur dA lene to watch my nephew Nathan from Boise play in a lacrosse game. I've only been to one other game so it was fun to watch and to learn more about the sport. Afterward we walked around the boardwalk with Jared, Angie, and Nathan and ate at a really yummy pizza restaurant. On the way back home Ryder and I started to feel sick and we both threw up a few times. I think this must be why he's been sleeping so much lately. He's been so happy though so I just didn't think he was sick. Needless to say the drive home was not so much fun. But we made it and Brad's been taking such good care of us ever since. I hate to see him have to take on so many of my responsibilities but he's always so kind and willing. I'm a lucky girl.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Sleeping Babies

My little Ryder has been sleeping a lot lately. He took two long three hour naps yesterday and slept in until 9 this morning! I actually had to wake him up. He looked so sweet sleeping all cuddled up. I love our sweet little baby!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Book Time

Before the kids had electronic time today we decided to have some book time together. We all chose our own books and read quietly for 20 minutes! I was surprised they lasted that long! It was nice but it has me wondering why it's so hard to make such a good thing more of a habit in our lives. I guess we'll just keep trying!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sweet Cards

The other day after lunch Kade and Tenley ran off with paper and some markers to their room and then, unprompted, they brought Brad and I the sweetest card. Kade wrote the words and Tenley drew the pictures. It was the sweetest surprise! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dance Parties on the Tramp

Kade and Tenley love having dance parties. We used to have a dance party almost every day but we got out of that habit once we moved. While we were jumping on the tramp this afternoon they requested some music and it turned into a fun dance party on the tramp with a lot of giggling! Ryder was enjoying it as well. I love it when they're all so happy!

Monday, April 25, 2016


Kade's been begging Brad to take him fishing so we all decided to go to Waha Lake today so they could try and catch something. Luckily it didn't take too long for Brad to snag some fish. Tenley was able to reel one in and was not shy about touching it either! Kade had fun trying to reel in a fish but unfortunately it got away. The Lake was pretty but the weather was cold! We still had a lot of fun.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Tenley and I got to play with Heidi's special dolls that she has from when she was little today. Tenley loves the dolls and all the handmade clothes that her grandma made. What a timeless treasure!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Adventures in the Rain

Brad was on a scout camp out this weekend so he missed Kade's last soccer game of the season. Even though it's been in the 80's all week it was 60 degrees and rainy today. Kade still played really well and scored two goals! Tenley and Ryder were cold so they did a lot of cuddling on my lap during the game. I loved it!
Then tonight we were able to see Dale and Emmett race at the Supercross. It was still rainy and cold but we bundled up better and had fun watching the races. Brad was so cute with Kade. Before each race they'd each pick out who they thought would win and then had fun rooting for that person during the race. Brad is such a great Dad!
We were out late and didn't get the kids to bed until 10 but it was worth it to see Dale race and pop a wheelie for Kade.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Frozen Yogurt

I've been craving Orange Leaf, but our small little town doesn't have one. They do have one frozen yogurt place though so I took the kids there tonight for dessert. It was pretty good! The kids ate all the candy and then just a little bit of their ice cream. And they've been running around wild all around the house ever since we got back! Maybe it was a bad idea... 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

One-on-one Time

While Kade is at school, Ryder naps, and Tenley and I take 45 minutes or so to do school together. The remaining hour and a half that Kade is gone, Tenley is really good about entertaining herself and I'm able to get things done. But sometimes I forget about my annoying to do list and just play with Tenley. Today she wanted to jump on the tramp with me. She had me turn on some music so she could dance. She was trying to teach me her cute moves and when we were done she said, "Don't worry mom, you'll get better!" I guess I need to work on my dancing!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


For Kade's last soccer practice of the season today, we all got to play kickball together! It was so much fun. When I was in elementary school my friends and I would play kickball every day during recess, so it brought back good memories! The kids had fun too. We need to get people together so we can do that more often!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Random Phone Calls, Big Grocery Carts

This morning I got a call from our old Bishop in Indiana! It was such a fun surprise. He is an inspired man and I loved talking to him and hearing his advice, and his funny jokes as well!

I had to run to the grocery store after I picked up Kade from school. I don't really like going with all three kids, but luckily today there was a sweet cart available with plenty of seating for everyone! Phew!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Family Days

We had fun enjoying the beautiful weather today! When Kade got home from school we played basketball and hung out in the yard. Then for family night we had a picnic at the park and they got to play more there! We also made a quick trip to Kent's hangar to see the Simmons for a bit and I finally got a picture of Dale!
Ryder's second outfit of the day... And he loves seeing airplanes!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


We really enjoyed having our nephews, Dale and Emmett for the weekend. It was fun to have more one on one time with them and it was fun, but also weird to have a teenager to check up on! Dale was busy with track meets and friends most the weekend but he spent most the day today entertaining our kids. They were both so nice and willing to play with them almost non stop. Kade and Tenley loved it and are pretty exhausted now. I love family!
I'm pretty sad I didn't get one picture of them with Dale! :(

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Women's Conference, The River

Sherri Dew came to Moscow today to speak to the women in my stake and a few other stakes in the area. It was fun to have a girls day and drive up with some friends, listen to her speak, and go out to lunch. Sherri Dew was very inspiring. She  talked about how it's good to ask questions and that we need to work, study, and ponder to get our answers. She also talked about how we need to stand up fearlessly for what we believe. I received a lot of good promptings while listening to her speak and I'm grateful for that hour and a half free of distractions to listen to her and feel the spirit.
Lunch was fun afterward as well although I received a text from Brad during it telling me that I missed Kade score TWO goals at his soccer game! I'm sad I missed them but I'm so proud of Kade!
When I got home we all went to the river to go for a walk, play at the park, and throw rocks. It was such a beautiful evening! I love Spring. I've probably mentioned that before...

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