I let myself get easily overwhelmed often. I mean, why can't I just be superwoman? Why is that impossible?
I want to have a perfectly clean house with no excess junk and to have everything put in its place.
I want to spend plenty of time playing with my kids, reading to them, and teaching them.
I want to have time every day to read my scriptures or other good books.
I want to have time to sit and ponder so that I may be inspired to do good things.
I want to have time to serve someone everyday.
I want to be able to play the piano everyday.
I want to have the time to cook good, healthy, well-rounded, meals for my family everyday.
I want to be able to spend some good quality time with my husband everyday.
I want to be able to catch up with family and good friends on the phone.
I want to feel like I'm doing my very best at my calling.
And I feel like so many other people are able to do all those things, but it seems to be so hard for me to stay on top of it all! Something is always suffering. My children are watching T.V. too much, or my house becomes a huge disaster from which it seems like there is no fixing, or I've gone too long without opening my scriptures, or we've done too many thrown-together-at-the-last-minute meals, or I barely get to talk to Brad.
So often I feel as though I could be doing SO much more and that I have SO much in my life to improve!
As I was busily working on who knows what this morning I, for some reason, looked up at this quote on my wall:
And I realized that I need to stop worrying about everything being perfect and focus on my most important priorities. And number 1 is my family. My children and my husband should not suffer so that I can have a clean house, or most of the other things on my list. I do believe that taking time to work on myself in certain ways will help me be a better mother and wife but most of my time should be spent loving my family. The other problems in my life pale in comparison and importance to the love my family needs.
I'm grateful for a living Prophet today who is so inspired and who says things so simply and beautifully that I am able to recognize my faults and try harder to be better.